October 2010 TEHA Annual Meeting

Troy Estates Homeowners Association (TEHA)

Annual Meeting

October 21, 2010 (7-9 pm Bemis Elementary School)

I. Attendance

Bernie Lourim

Jeff Pezzell

Maggie Sarna

Luke Kong

Roopina Sangha

Chuck Jensen

Bob Swartz

Keith Duchnicki

Chris Hagey

Todd Kaluzny

Tom Rolands

Carol Kohut

II. Introduction of Officers

a. President Carol Kohut

b. VP/ Webmaster Cristian Teodoridis

c. Secretary Bernie Lourim

d. Dues Treasurer Chuck Jensen

e. Records Treasurer Keith Dutchnicki

f. Communications Director Todd Kaluzny

III. Reports

a. Website. Carol distributed a written website report from Cristian that included website facts and links that are available on www.troyestates.com. Carol also reported that the neighborhood directories can be downloaded. The paper copy used to be updated every two years, but in electronic format it can be updated immediately. Password is available on request.

b. Newsletter. Todd reported that we are distributing a quarterly newsletter. It is delivered by hand and available online. The newsletter reports on upcoming events, reports of the events, activities of the Board, the website link, internet poll questions, list of officers and e-mails, kudos corners, and related community news.

c. Dues. Chuck reported that 81 residents have paid their dues out of 250 homes. A number of people paid more than the $40 dues. Chris Hagey noted that we used to get 150-160 for a total of ~$6,000 and that we used to hand out a dues reminder. Chris volunteered to address envelopes so that a dues reminder could be mailed to every home. Carol volunteered to prepare the dues form. There was some discussion as to whether we should ask for e-mails. It was decided that the resident could always opt to leave it blank, but e-mails have been a very inexpensive form of communication.

d. Records. Keith distributed a Treasurer’s report that showed a beginning balance of $1,341.33 and an ending balance of $2,255.57.

IV. President’s Report. Carol reported on:

a. Easter Egg Hunt at Boulan Park was successful with many eggs to hunt and also a pizza lunch.

b. Subdivision garage sale was advertised in the paper with balloons available for publicity.

c. Picnic only had 6 people sign up so it was cancelled. It was noted that there used to be 100 people at this picnic and there was discussion as to whether the picnic should continue and how it could be improved. It was decided to make this issue our next poll question.

d. Ice Cream Social survived rain.

e. Halloween parade will occur on October 31. Al Soriano and John Thomas will try to get the fire truck again.

f. Vendor report

i. Gator Lawn – cutting

ii. HDM Lawns – trees, fertilizing, weed control (volunteered to contribute $10 to TEHA for every new homeowner that signs up)

iii. Joseph Chonko Watering – saved the flower beds

iv. Nathan’s Landscaping – heavy lifting soil, mulch

g. Condor/ Martin maintenance of flower beds. A resident improved and maintained Pelican Court.

h. Boulder signs at 5 entrances. Carol had gone to the city, but the deed restriction prevents “in ground” signs. It was decided that the smaller stones would be moved to other entrances (Tom Rolands volunteered) and larger boulders would be installed at Condor and Martin. Todd reported that we could get 2-3 ton boulders for ~$1,000.

i. Violations. Carol has received numerous e-mails of city violations including firewood, abandonment, etc.

V. Other.

a. One resident reported that her daughter was struck by a car while walking to school near the Northfield Parkway intersection so residents should be careful there.

b. Another resident read an e-mail complaining about an inappropriate incident last Halloween.

VI. Dues for 2011 – collection will being in January, 2011.

VII. Adjournment at approximately 9:15